Saturday 30 July 2011


I'm so not motivated. The shit I see in the mirror isn't doing it for me. It makes me want to cry. I just need motivation.. Any help is appreciated ;)

Stay strong&&safe xx

Friday 29 July 2011

My goals.

By the end of August, it is my ambition to have achieved the following:

 - to return to my weight, as it was previous to being caught out (50kg)
 - to not binge every week, and to instead just do a 1000 calorie binge once a month
 - to not purge
 - to 'eat out' every day, and come home to hunger
 - to do plenty of exercise at the gym, or walk a lot
 - to go camping for three days, alone, and not eat
 - to not drink too much alcohol, it makes me eat more
 - to not smoke weed anymore
 - to quite smoking cigarettes
 - get personal statement written
 - book lnat.
 - generally feel skinnier and better.

Hope you're all well :) xx

Wednesday 27 July 2011

I've been away.

I'm back now, I've been away for a while, because my parents found out everything about me, by reading my diary.

the moral of that story: do not keep a diary. (especially not somewhere easily findable, i.e. under your bed!)

So, they've made me eat quite a lot. Therefore, I am now fat. And I mean it. So fat, that I'm actually embarrassed to put up my weight, and I resent them for it. But, it's all good, because they're not watching me as much anymore, and I'm allowed to exercise. So, hopefully, the weight should all disappear.

On the plus side, since I've been gone, I have been texting my ex, and he was texting back. Though, I text him last tuesday, and he still hasn't text me back. So that's pretty wank.

I hope everyone else is ok, and stuff.

I need thinspo!

And, this is me at the moment: